Still hooked in between the option of renting camera gear or buying gear? Here is a sharp and concise analysis on buying a camera gear and renting a camera gear. One factor to consider is that camera gears tend to get an upgrade every year, so there are always new and improved ones in the market. So maybe it’s not the best idea to purchase.


Buying Camera Gear

    • Most freelancers will stand behind buying camera gear as the best option when you plan to use for a long period. This is despite that you might end up paying the amount of the cost of the camera gadget for rent. Let’s say the cost of renting the gadget in a day cost $5 and the gear is meant to be used for 30 days, that’s $1500, and they gear’s cost of purchasing is same as the cost of renting for 30 days. I will go with buying if I am in this position.

    • For a businessperson a camera gear that is bought is also a camera gear for rent, so buying a camera gear gives one the opportunity to make extra cash by renting it out to interested persons. In the long run, renting it out might pay up to 1/5 of the camera cost.

    • If it’s camera gear that will continually carry out a vital function in you daily job, to deliver the best services to your clients, it may be worth the investment.

Renting Camera Gear

As much as we have seen the positive sides of buying camera gear, we are convinced that buying is a better pick, but let’s see that of renting before we make our pick.

    • Camera gear rental here in Phoenix automatically gives you access to camera accessories, you don’t have to buy special camera accessories for the rented camera. This offer does not come with getting a new camera; you have to pay for the accessories.

    • Film gear rental here in Phoenix comes with a favorable condition that is, If there is any problem with the gears the rental office replaces it with another, so you are sure of getting your work done without paying for repairs, unlike having your personal gear.

    • Care and maintenance of camera gear can be a daring process, but not when it is rented. After the camera shoot, one returns the gear to the rental office where they do the maintenance.

    • Renting gives you the advantage of getting the required camera gear for any particular camera shoot not trying to multitask your bought camera. But this solely depends on what the rental office has in store. Film gear rental in Arizona offers recent technology in camera gear.

Camera technology tends to change frequently and renting gives the opportunity to try out that new technology.


Here is a really cool video on renting camera gear vs owning your gear. Hopefully you will see the benefits of renting camera gear near you at Cinevo:


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