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Angenieux EZ 1 & 2 Bundle

Includes the Angenieux EZ 1 & 2, 30mm-90mm T2 and 15mm-40mm T2. Both lenses allow the rear lens group to be exchanged between S35mm and FF/VistaVision format. In VistaVision format, the lenses become an EZ-2 22mm-60mm T3 and EZ-1 45mm-135mm T3.

NOTE: Prices quoted are estimated per day unless otherwise noted, and are subject to availability, the exact rental period, and other factors. Please request a formal quote to get an exact price.

Additional Information

Available in both PL and EF mount.

The EZ-1 is a telephoto zoom lens with a focal range of 30mm-90mm and an aperture of T2.0. This lens is perfect for capturing more distant shots, while also delivering stunning image quality.

The EZ-2 is a wide-angle zoom lens with a focal range of 15mm-40mm and an aperture of T2.0. This lens is ideal for capturing wide-angle shots with sharp and clear detail, while also providing smooth and accurate focus control.

Both lenses in this bundle are lightweight, compact, and easy to handle, making them an excellent choice for on-the-go shooting. The interchangeable lens mount system allows for compatibility with a range of camera systems, making these lenses an excellent investment for any professional cinematographer.

Built with high-quality optics and expert craftsmanship, the Angenieux EZ 1&2 Bundle delivers stunning image quality and exceptional performance in any shooting situation. With a reputation for reliability and durability, this lens set is a top choice for filmmakers looking to elevate the quality of their productions.

Invest in the Angenieux EZ 1&2 Bundle today and take your filmmaking to the next level with exceptional versatility, performance, and quality.

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